Excitement of the Strangest things

As I sit typing this morning, my oldest - 22 months old - is growling at her Bible because she see a lion. I have grown to find Joy and Excitement in the strangest places and of the strangest things that would have never brought those emotions before motherhood. Let me list just a few things: Poop. Big Beds. Sitting on a potty but not going. Words. Messy House. Each has brought its own excitement as well as dread at times. I'll explain the lessons I have learned in the past 2 years with each. Poop. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this would bring excitement and joy. Let me tell ya though, when you almost 8 week old son doesn't have a bowel movement in almost 3 days, concern and irrational thoughts begin flooding a moms brain. All the what is wrong with him. Will I end up in a Children's Hospital room again? So when 2 blowouts happen in a day - plus more - it is very welcomed and joy erupts in text messages to dad and friends. Big Beds. Hearing my daught...