Is This REALLY the Day the Lord has Made?
Psalms 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it" (NLT) Today my questions and thoughts and doubts are speaking loudly in my head. Today the weather outside mimics my emotions and how my soul feels. Dreary, cloudy with only fleeting moments of the sun penetrating through the dreariness. Here I sit wondering "Is this really the day day the Lord has created and what is there to rejoice about?" With my heart dragging on the ground like Linus' blanket and the dam of my tears threatening to overtake my eyes I look around me trying to find refuge and the questions and doubts scream louder than ever to me. -- "Look at yourself and all your failures; No one will ever love you and you will be alone for the rest of your life; You don't deserve happiness; Does God really care about me and my situations; Why do you even try; You know you can end this and no one will care about you or miss you;...." These voices come t...