Holes in my Jeans and Heart

I don't usually spend money on clothing that have holes in them - but a few years ago I did what I said I said I would never do. Buy jeans - capris with holes in them. In my mind I can put my own holes in the jeans and not spend the extra money to have someone else put them there. Tonight as I went out with some friends for a birthday party. I began to see how closely my mindset of torn jeans was to my own life and how many holes I or even others have put in my life/heart. Lately my heart has been torn in more pieces than I know what to do with. Edges have been frayed and holes have been created. Some of my own doing, while others have been created by those around me and just life in general. Most times, holes and frayed edges mean something has been worn out. For myself, once things have holes, they are no longer made for public sight. That item, whether clothing or something else, is to be used in private where those around me wont ever have a chance to see them. ...