Holes in my Jeans and Heart

Lately my heart has been torn in more pieces than I know what to do with. Edges have been frayed and holes have been created. Some of my own doing, while others have been created by those around me and just life in general. Most times, holes and frayed edges mean something has been worn out.
For myself, once things have holes, they are no longer made for public sight. That item, whether clothing or something else, is to be used in private where those around me wont ever have a chance to see them. Unless one has paid money for it originally, then it is considered fashionable or lit (as my youth kids would say) to be seen in outside the privacy of my own 4 walls that I call home. So what is the point of my rambling tonight?
I am an utterly broken person who hides behind the 4 secure walls that I have created for myself. Any tear or frayed edged of my heart/life, I keep to myself. I allow only a select few (and I mean few) people know that real reasons for the tears and frays in my life. One to many hurts, self inflicted and from others, has cause me to retreat to my inner self for protection.
But what kind of protection does that really bring? Or does it bring anything at all? And if we are completely honest with ourselves - with myself - it brings very little protection. In reality, I believe, it causes the hole to become larger and to the point of seemingly no repair. If withdrawing causes self-harm, then what is the answer? How does one deal with the torn pieces and frayed edges?

When I retreat into my 4 walls and let no one - not even the mice - enter in, I find that I normally don't have the tools or ability to mend myself. Oh but I can fake a "Everything is all rainbows and butterflies" life and most people will buy what I am selling. All except the few who look at me and say "Stop lying and tell me what is really happening" (You know who you are in my life and thank you for never buying what I try to sell!) Just as I need those who actually own needles and thread, I also need those who can help heal and mend me emotionally. And so do you - so do all of us.We all need people who will speak into our lives no matter how much we try to tell them we are okay or something said doesn't bother us. We need community. We need relationships. We were made for relationship and the number one relationship with all long for (whether you believe it or not) is with our creator - Jesus Christ! We are all in need of a Savior and until the day we decide to acknowledge this, we will continue searching for something to fulfill us but never permanently mend those frayed edges and holes in our lives.
Don't ever be ashamed of the holes or the patches in your life. They mean that you are human and your have a story to tell. You never know when you will meet someone who has the "same" hole in their life and are looking for answers. Be the answer to someones frayed edge or tear in their heart. Here is to stepping out of my protection - my 4 walls and finding HELP/MENDING for my torn and broken life. Another patch to my broken heart.
"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." Matthew 11:28-30
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