Excitement of the Strangest things

 As I sit typing this morning, my oldest - 22 months old - is growling at her Bible because she see a lion. I have grown to find Joy and Excitement in the strangest places and of the strangest things that would have never brought those emotions before motherhood. Let me list just a few things: 

Poop. Big Beds. Sitting on a potty but not going. Words. Messy House.

Each has brought its own excitement as well as dread at times. I'll explain the lessons I have learned in the past 2 years with each. 

Poop. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this would bring excitement and joy. Let me tell ya though, when you almost 8 week old son doesn't have a bowel movement in almost 3 days, concern and irrational thoughts begin flooding a moms brain. All the what is wrong with him. Will I end up in a Children's Hospital room again? So when 2 blowouts happen in a day - plus more - it is very welcomed and joy erupts in text messages to dad and friends.

Big Beds. Hearing my daughter come up stairs in the mornings or after nap-time and the first words are "Big Bed" with pure joy all over her face, you smile as you watch you baby grow up all to fast. But a sense of pride, joy, and excitement flood your heart as new milestones are being reached.

Sitting on the potty. Just as the times with the "big bed", the stage of wanting to sit on the potty brings joy but sadness as well for this mamas heart. Because this is one more step of independence and growing up. 

Words. Who knew that hearing some many one or two words sentences would be fun. Hearing a vocabulary grow each day. Being amazed at what she has picked up today. As we learn the alphabet and numbers and colors, I am amazed at how quickly it all happens and happens organically even each day. Even now trying to decipher what she is trying to tell me. 

Messy House. This is the hardest one for me as I want my house to be organized and put together but knowing in this season of life that is just a dream I currently have. Why does it bring joy to me still? Because it means that I have HEALTHY daughter that has no side effects from her early hospital stay. The HSV-1 that was said to have possible lingering effects are not there and I speak will never be there for her. Even when all her doctors said there probably would be. But Jesus!! 

So today as life is hard. Postpartum days are tough on me alot of times, I remember to find the joy and excitement that are in all the days. I'll leave ya with this as I tell myself this over and over. 
"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again - rejoice!" Philippians 4:4 NLT  


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