Puzzling From The Inside Out

Puzzles!! The sound of that word either makes a person smile with pure joy or it will make them run in pure fear. I personally am the first person. I LOVE puzzles. Most times when I sit down to work on one, I become lost in it. The world quits spinning and nothing else seems to matter. Speaking with a friend about puzzles, we joked that when a person loves puzzles you tend to forget to eat, shower, and sleep. Any 'normal' activity that one should accomplish in a day goes to the wayside. Nothing matters but the completion of that particular puzzle. Now you may be wondering why I choose to write about puzzles. And if you have read any of my other posts, you know I write about how and what God's has been teaching and speaking to me about. Hang in there and I promise there is a good illustration/learning moment that God spoke to me and hopefully will speak to your soul/spirit. I feel as if I need to back up a bit and explain where and how my love for puzzles came from. My l...