What Is My World Cup Dream Today?
Tonight this question was posed to me "What is your World Cup Dream today?" I stopped and allowed the question to sink into my being before replying and again silently asked this question to myself. "What does my World Cup dream look like right now to me". After what seemed like minutes passing by with all eyes on me, I replied while pointing to one of the young men in my youth group "they are. My World Cup dream is seeing each one of my youth students to grow and mature into the young men and women that God has created them to be and to see them change the world around them". That's my 2018 World Cup Dream.
As a child I dreamed of playing in the World Cup, and of course winning it, and becoming just like Mia Hamm, Brandi Chastain, Briana Scurry. To play on the world's largest stage and to successfully win "it all" just like they did in 1999. Along with that dream was the dream to be a FBI agent and/or a police officer. As I grew old the dream changed to being a teacher then to pediatric nursing or doing something that influenced and/or helped kids. With each of those dreams was the ultimate dream - in my eyes - to be a wife and mother. With age and experience (all 29 years LOL) most of those dreams disappeared while others morphed into something new. The something new was/is becoming a Youth Pastor and the one dream that has stayed intact is to be a wife and mother one day.
So what happened to those childhood dreams? And why did they disappear? Don't we always tell children "you can become whoever/whatever you dream to be"? When and why do we give up on those childhood dreams? What stopped me from becoming the World Cup champion that I dreamed of being the backyard? What kept me from becoming the FBI agent or Police officer? Where did those dreams go? What happened to becoming a teacher or pediatric nurse?
Above all these questions, I personally believe, is a greater question that needs to be asked. Why did/do we stop dreaming and stop trying to achieve those dreams as adults. What holds us back?
As I have tried to answer these questions tonight, I begin to think about those childhood dreams and realize that I still have most of those dreams but they just look a little differently now. My World Cup stage has changed but the dream of protecting (FBI/Police dream) people is still there. The dream of helping (pediatric nursing) and mentoring (teaching) kids is still alive. Those dreams just look a little differently today. My stage today isn't a soccer field - it's a stage in front of youth kids on Sunday nights. My nursing isn't in a hospital and isn't always physical needs - it's hugging a kid who has lost a close relative/friend/friendship, it's speaking truth and life into a kid who thinks they have messed up to much for love and no one - including God - could ever love them. My classroom isn't at a school, it's in a youth building or at a restaurant speaking to a group of kids or taking one on one time with a student who just needs to talk. In more ways then one, I have seen my dreams come to life - most of the time - just not in the way I had picture or thought that they would.
So what about the dreams to be a wife and a mother and some that I haven't even mentioned yet......if all the others have come to fruition, I truly believe that God will bring this one as well just like He said He would.. So my question tonight is: What is your World Cup dream? and what is stopping you from it?
You and I have a heavenly Father who loves us more than we know. Who wants to bless our socks off. He is the type of father who wants to spoil us beyond our imagination. And these dreams we dream - I believe - he will help us achieve in His timing and according to his plan. They may look a little different and not quite how we had imagined them - and most of the time its for our own good. But He will guide us and help us along the way. Matthew 7:9-11 Jesus speaks about how our parents treat us when we ask for things. "You parents - if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?"
God wants to bless us but he is also a God who disciplines his children when we mess up, (Hebrews 12:5-11) just as our parents discipline us for our own good.
So what are your dreams? What are my dreams? And have I asked God for his help and to see them through His eyes? Because maybe He is waiting on me to vocalize what I need help with on reaching and realizing my dreams and goals. He after all is my heavenly Father who desperately wants to spend time with me and hear from me just like my dad wants to hear and help me achieve my goals and dreams today. So maybe its time we TAKE some time and find out from God what our dreams look like from His perspective and
is it possible that His version of our dreams are ten times better that what we had schemed up to be.
And maybe its time to start dreaming again as we did as children - and taking your stage on the World Cup!
As a child I dreamed of playing in the World Cup, and of course winning it, and becoming just like Mia Hamm, Brandi Chastain, Briana Scurry. To play on the world's largest stage and to successfully win "it all" just like they did in 1999. Along with that dream was the dream to be a FBI agent and/or a police officer. As I grew old the dream changed to being a teacher then to pediatric nursing or doing something that influenced and/or helped kids. With each of those dreams was the ultimate dream - in my eyes - to be a wife and mother. With age and experience (all 29 years LOL) most of those dreams disappeared while others morphed into something new. The something new was/is becoming a Youth Pastor and the one dream that has stayed intact is to be a wife and mother one day.
So what happened to those childhood dreams? And why did they disappear? Don't we always tell children "you can become whoever/whatever you dream to be"? When and why do we give up on those childhood dreams? What stopped me from becoming the World Cup champion that I dreamed of being the backyard? What kept me from becoming the FBI agent or Police officer? Where did those dreams go? What happened to becoming a teacher or pediatric nurse?
Above all these questions, I personally believe, is a greater question that needs to be asked. Why did/do we stop dreaming and stop trying to achieve those dreams as adults. What holds us back?

So what about the dreams to be a wife and a mother and some that I haven't even mentioned yet......if all the others have come to fruition, I truly believe that God will bring this one as well just like He said He would.. So my question tonight is: What is your World Cup dream? and what is stopping you from it?
You and I have a heavenly Father who loves us more than we know. Who wants to bless our socks off. He is the type of father who wants to spoil us beyond our imagination. And these dreams we dream - I believe - he will help us achieve in His timing and according to his plan. They may look a little different and not quite how we had imagined them - and most of the time its for our own good. But He will guide us and help us along the way. Matthew 7:9-11 Jesus speaks about how our parents treat us when we ask for things. "You parents - if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?"
God wants to bless us but he is also a God who disciplines his children when we mess up, (Hebrews 12:5-11) just as our parents discipline us for our own good.
So what are your dreams? What are my dreams? And have I asked God for his help and to see them through His eyes? Because maybe He is waiting on me to vocalize what I need help with on reaching and realizing my dreams and goals. He after all is my heavenly Father who desperately wants to spend time with me and hear from me just like my dad wants to hear and help me achieve my goals and dreams today. So maybe its time we TAKE some time and find out from God what our dreams look like from His perspective and
is it possible that His version of our dreams are ten times better that what we had schemed up to be.
And maybe its time to start dreaming again as we did as children - and taking your stage on the World Cup!
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