Passing the Blame

Passing the blame - something that comes so naturally to us. Why is this? Why is it that if someone else is even marginally involved with the same project as you and when something goes wrong or is off - our first instinct and tendency is to pass the blame. However in the same scenario when something positive happens, it was our idea or thought that provide the positive result. The most obvious place I see it is with kids or teenagers. Lately I have been seeing it more and more in myself - a 28 year old young adult and I the nagging question that I have been trying to answer - 'why do I jump to this tendency/habit'. Why do I quickly search to pass the blame to a 'weaker' target?

During my personal devotionals the past few weeks, I have been studying/reading through Hosea. Hosea was a prophet who married a prostitute. His love and devotion to his wife was symbolic to the relationship between God and Israel at this time. Israel as a nation had been unfaithful - prostituting herself to other gods and Jehovah was not their one and only. Israel in a way was 'running around' while her 'husband' - Jehovah - was at home being a faithful husband. Hosea was at home being a faithful husband while his wife, the prostitute, continued in her old ways. --- How many times have I been the "prostitute wife" in my life? The world and the pleasures it offers look and seem so enticing. Saying 'Taste and see how good I am', 'Only once wont hurt'. So many times I have given it to it. - Sporting events, vacations, sleep, work schedules.... whatever it may be - I have prostituted myself to it. Then once my life is in shambles, its my pastor's, mentor's, friend's, spouse's, family's fault. I pass the blame on them as to why I am not growing spiritually. If only they - whoever - had been more enticing, I would have done things differently. I would have grown if only.... IF ONLY, I had decided on youth group instead of that tournament. IF ONLY, I had decided to wake up earlier than I needed to pray and seek God's face. IF ONLY, I had said no on working so many hours and spending time at church or home with my family. IF ONLY, I had made sure church was a priority. How would my life look differently now IF ONLY I had taken the responsibility of my own spiritual life. Would I have the struggles I have today - possibly - and they have shaped me into the person I am today.

Hosea 4:4 "Don't point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame! My complaint, you priests, is with you"

Find time for God. Find time to make the relationship a PRIORITY and not to expect others to get you there. In any relationship we have to put our own energy into it. I can't expect a great relationship without effort on my part but so many times we see the relationship with God that way.

I don't remember where I heard it but it's become one of my favorite sayings. "If you are 1000 steps away from God, He will take 999 steps towards you so you only have to take that 1 step into His arms." Oh how thankful I am that my God does that not only for me but for each and every living breathing person. Take the one step of responsibility of accepting His gift of a life - life more abundantly.


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